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Mild in flavour and with a tender, flaky texture, Cape Hake is one of the most versatile and easy to prepare fish available.
I&J Cape Hake is sustainably caught in the icy ocean depths of the Atlantic Ocean. We lock in its freshness and natural goodness through
flash freezing in order to preserve the purity of this natural source of protein which is free of preservatives and antibiotics.

Mild in flavour and with a tender, flaky texture, Cape Hake is one of the most versatile and easy to prepare fish available.
I&J Cape Hake is sustainably caught in the icy ocean depths of the Atlantic Ocean. We lock in its freshness and natural goodness through flash freezing in order to preserve the purity of this natural source of protein which is free of preservatives and antibiotics.


I&J’s range of delicious Cape Hake products include natural Cape Hake fillets, loins, folded or moulded portions, Cape Hake fillet portions flame-seared and basted in a variety of flavourful sauces, coated & breaded Cape Hake fillets and crispy fish fingers.

Product information:
Frozen at sea within 2 hours from the time of catch
MSC certified
Headed, gutted and tailed 

225 g – 350 g
350 g – 500 g
500 g – 800 g
800 g – 1200 g
1200 g +

Each fish is individually pouched in a plastic sleeve before being carefully packed into a corrugated carton.


While we target Cape Hake, we also catch other demersal species that are prized for their delicious flavour and versatility.
Our by-catch management plan ensures that this by-catch is responsibly managed as part of our commitment to sustainable fishing.

Monk is prized for its mildly flavoured, firm-textured flesh, similar to the texture of rock lobster; tails are favoured for their firm texture and their power to absorb aromatic flavours, marinades and sauces.

Product information:
Frozen at sea or land frozen
Premium quality
Skinless and deboned
Individually wrapped